Thursday, April 29, 2010

Top 10 things about toddlers

On the eve of the boys' second birthday I am living in denial. I seriously cannot believe that their baby days are gone and they are full blown toddlers - all the books, Websites etc. call them preschoolers which just sends chills down my spine.
But after talking to a friend and fellow triplet mom last week (thanks Jennifer!) I got to thinking about how much I love this age! So I thought I would take the time to blog about some of my favorite things about toddlerhood. (Warning: This post is a bit long). There really are so many things big and small I had trouble limiting it but here it is:

10. Amazing progress. The amount of progress they have made in a year astounds me. Jackson and Peyton took their first independent steps on Father's Day last year and are now climbing, jumping, marching, running and walking up and down the stairs - I will miss them getting on all fours and turning backwards about two feet from the stairs and backing up the whole way until they reached the stairs - so cute! Although Brett's milestones are much different they are also unbelievable. He is now trying to scoot on his belly, can stand on his own when propped against a couch, can sit by himself - sometimes for several minutes - and is now beginning his own journey learning to walk. We are borrowing several walkers to try out and see what will work best for him. This is the first we have tried and he is doing an amazing job and loves it. Here is some video:

9. Their mastering of language. Jackson and Peyton literally say something new every day. They are beginning to speak in full sentences. Peyton is hilarious and will parrot anything you say. Some of my recent favorites are :
- Jackson saying "fighter, fighter" instead of firefighter
- Peyton saying "I can't see anything!" when you pull his shirt off.
- Both of them say "I wuv you" and "I meese (miss) you"
- Jackson & Peyton can spot a UPS truck a mile away and will call it out - which phonetically sounds like this "You peed us!!"
- Jackson cocks his head to the side and shakes it as if saying yes and will say "have it? peas?" (we find it very hard to say no!)
- Jackson saying "I seed it!" which he says after he sees something you point out or if he wants to see something - for example, fire truck - I seed it? when he wants to see one.
- Brett is adding words to his vocabulary list all the time. Sometimes you will hear a word come out of his mouth and you can't believe it, but then you won't hear it again for weeks. Some of his most consistent phrases are "all done" which he can say as clear as a bell when he is ready to get out of his crib! He has started to say Alleluhia! at bedtime after we sing out alleluhia song after prayers. My absolute favorites are that he has said each of his brothers' names once and he sometimes repeats after you saying "I love you" which just melts my heart.

8. Their little toddler body shapes. Brett is gaining weight but is so tall and thin so we have to get pants that are long enough with the adjustable waist, but they still sometimes fall down on him (which apparently is hysterically funny to toddler boys). Jackson and Peyton have what I call the toddler gut and butt. They have the belly sticking out one direction and their little bottoms sticking out in the other direction. Funny how this is only cute when you are 2!

7. Boys in pajamas. I don't know what it is about pj's but they all look so absolutely adorable in them. After a bath, smelling sweet, with their hair combed and their little pj's on - nothing is more adorable.

6. Holding hands. They will hold our hands when told, but also will seek out your hand for holding when standing outside or when they want to show you something. They will hold each others' hands too which is just so sweet.

5. Imagination. This is recently emerging and has always been one of my favorite characteristics of children. It is funny and perplexing what they come up with. One of their favorite things to do is "go shopping" They will put on their backpacks or grab one of the grocery bags and walk to the door and if you ask what they are going to get it is usually crackers and milk. Although occassionally they say peanuts and Cracker Jack (where did they get that???). Then they will turn around and say "I back". Peyton has recently started making his stuffed animals do things. He spilled his snack on the floor and when told to clean it up brought in Big Bird and used Big Bird's hands to pick up each grape. They also want to put diapers on Elmo and Curious George whenever they get a diaper change.

4. Laughter. I will never tire of hearing them laugh. More and more they really crack each other up. Sometimes I don't even know what is funny and they are all laughing. It is such a giggly, silly sometimes squealy laughter that you wish you could just bottle and open whenever you need a pick me up!

3. Seeing things with fresh eyes. It is amazing how many things you don't pay attention to until your children point them out. The boys can do a perfect imitation of a seagull - I never realized how obnoxious they can sound. I now notice every airplane, helicopter, mail truck, police car, bus and spider. Even if the boys are not with me I notice them and find myself wishing they could see them too.

2. Bath time. In their two years I think I have given two baths. It is something Tate took over and has been a special bonding time with him and the boys. But if you say the word bath Jackson and Peyton will head right for the stairs trying to strip off their clothes and Brett will kick his legs and wave his arms like crazy until it is his turn for a bath. It is such a pure joy watching them splash, blow bubbles and play with their beloved bath toys.

1. The uninhibited affection. There is nothing like your boy running at you full blast with his arms open to give you a hug and not letting go. Or hugging your leg while you are making dinner or the way Brett burrows his head into your shoulder when he is trying to get fully awake after a nap.

I would love to hear about other people's favorites too. I am sad they are growing so fast and trying to enjoy every moment. Yes, they have their moments when they can be whiny and push their limits (and mine) and I live in fear of potty training, but every day is something new and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Monday we celebrated Opening Day with a White Sox win. They shut down the Indians winning 6-0 with an amazing play by Buehrle and Konerko.
It ended up being a beautiful day so we only watched a bit of the game and went outside to play instead!
Tate and I will try to capture the boys on video reading their "Go, Go" books (White Sox books - they nicknamed after the 1959 Go, Go White Sox!)
They love to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and whenever they want to sing it they just say "Take" and look at you and say "Take" and look at you until you realize they are trying to get you to start the song - it's so funny (especially because some days it takes me forever and a few "take what?"s before I figure it out).
Here are a few Opening Day pictures!

Jackson (left) and Peyton holding their White Sox bats and watching the first few innings

Brett and his "Go,Go" book

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Day

I'm a bit behind on this but wanted to still share pictures from our Easter Day. We spent the afternoon at Grandma and Granddads and had such a great time. Despite the high winds the boys had a blast searching for all the eggs hidden in their yard (It sounded like Grandma and Auntie Rhonda had fun too trying to keep the eggs from blowing away while they waited for us to arrive!)
The boys really seemed to get the idea of finding the eggs! Here are some photos:

Grandma helps Brett search for eggs

Peyton finds an egg

Forget the little bucket - Jackson had a better idea

Jackson finds some eggs

Granddad takes Jackson & Peyton for a wagon ride

Jackson, Auntie Rhonda & Peyton enjoying Easter dinner. It was yummy!

Jackson & Peyton look through their Easter buckets from Grandma & Granddad

Jackson and Peyton "help" Brett look at his Easter bucket goodies

Brett and his bunny

Peyton, Granddad and Jackson watch some Sesame Street together

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

The boys were not afraid of the bunny. I showed them last year's picture and talked it up a bit. When I told them they were going to sit on the bunny's lap Jackson and Peyton asked - "Bunny? Lap? Book? Read?" Apparently they thought since they were climbing on the bunny's lap he was going to read them a book. I think they may have been a bit disappointed which is why no smiles :)
Wishing everyone a Blessed Easter!!

Jackson, Peyton & Brett