Kindergarten kids
So once again I'm behind on my blogging. Ugh.
This year the boys started kindergarten. I know, I still can't believe it myself. Our district only offers half day and while I sometimes think about them being at a disadvantage because so many schools offer full day, I'm selfishly glad. Brett is in school all day as he has been since he was 3 to receive the additional services he requires such as therapy. I feel like the half days with Jackson and Peyton are an opportunity to give them a little more time and attention they may not get at other times.
The boys were all excited to go back to school. But the night before the first day Jackson was nervous and said he didn't want to go and wanted to stay home with me. Peyton joined in and they were in tears. I didn't see it coming.
By the next day they were fine and only slightly hesitant. Once they were lined up on the playground they never looked back. It equal parts made me happy and sad.
They recently received their first report cards and were ridiculously excited to share them with me when I got home from work. They are all doing great. Brett is integrating into the same class as Jackson and Peyton part-time and I volunteered at the Halloween party and Brett is like a rock star when he comes in the classroom. All the kids want to come over and push his chair and say hi.
They've all made a lot of friends and it's so fun getting to know the other children and their parents.
Here are some pictures from the first days of school:
Aunt Brenda and Uncle Steve gave the boys a gift card to Target to pick out new backpacks (thank you!). I'm not sure who enjoyed it more the boys or me. I took each of them one on one to shop and they each used the gift card to pay for their backpacks themselves.