Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Election 2012

The boys were interested in the election and I was bummed that I couldn't take them to the polls with me since I had to go on my way to work.
While talking about it Jackson said: "I want to be president." so I asked him what his stance was.
"What's a stance?" he asked. After I explained he didn't skip a beat before saying: "Everything that needs fixing, I will fix." 
I believe I have a future politician on my hands. Then he says: "I think you should vote for me!"

So we held our own election. Each of the boys got to pick one item they wanted for breakfast and then they had to make a poster and campaign for their breakfast. Jackson had waffles. Peyton chose pancakes and Brett picked oatmeal.
The campaigns went something like "vote for mine it tastes good" and Peyton tried to persuade us to choose pancakes because they are "soft and fluffy" and Jackson went with how the waffle can hold the syrup in the holes and Brett just laughed, trying to get votes on his charm.

They used their click and drag skills on the computer to make their posters and then their cutting and pasting skills to add their breakfast item.

Pancake won the election, although we found out there was a spoiled ballot. Jackson confessed he voted for waffle because that is what he was campaigning for, but wanted a pancake so he voted for both. Yep, future politician.


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