Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer, so far

We are really enjoying our summer. We've had great warm weather and lots of fun.

I can't seem to keep up with blogging when it's so nice outside so I thought I would do a highlights so far.

Here is Brett on his last day of school. He loves school but was ready to kick back a bit - officially on summer break:

Last year we started a new tradition of starting our first day of no school with a visit to the library to sign up for the summer reading program. The boys LOVE to read and it's always been one of my favorite parts of summer. We also went to a little local book store and they each picked out a summer read and we capped it off with a walk over to a local ice cream shop. The boys are very excited about summer reading and have already earned a sheet of stickers and a free book from our library!
We seriously have the best library. The summer reading program theme is Pizzeria Read: Carry out a good book. They set up a corner of the library like a pizzeria:

I love to garden and the boys helped me dig and till the soil and Jackson "helped" me shop for a few supplies:

Hanging out at Grandma and Granddads for Father's Day was so much fun. Here are some of my favorite guys:

The boys all love to swim. They spend a lot of time in the small pool in our yard as well as at grandma and granddad's.

Auntie Kerry has a big pool in her yard and this summer we all pitched in to help get it opened and ready to go. We have been in it a bunch and have all gone there after church the last few Sundays for Family Fun Day and just had such a great time relaxing, swimming, eating and hanging out together.
The boys' swim skills have really advanced with the additional pool time!

The boys have been waiting all year for our town's summer fest. We went last week and they had a great time. Peyton had swimmers ear and started to melt down a bit, but once he got fest food he was feeling much better. Uncle David and Aunt Maureen met us there and joined the boys on some of the rides, which made it even more special.

We have had the opportunity to get together with several friends for play dates, which are increasingly more difficult to plan with preschool thrown into the mix. So we are spending summer catching up with friends. Last week our triplet friends invited us over and then took us to a train restaurant to celebrate our 4th birthdays (birthdays were in March and May, but who doesn't love stretching the celebrations out?! Thanks S Family!) Me and the other mom sat at the end of the counter and talked - all the boys were so well behaved and are becoming so self sufficient we actually had a conversation - what a treat!!!


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